Trip to Grandpa’s – 100 Word Flash Fiction

A picture is worth 1000 words & to sum it up in 100 words of fiction is a Friday fun I have embarked on. Madison Woods inspires with a new photo every week; Susie Thank you for drafting me in.


Image Credit: Madison Woods (Friday Fiction)

Impatiently waiting at the security line I was fidgeting both mind & body. This is the very precise reason I choose a train over plane for a two hour journey. It’s just a routine protocol was the rant by officials somehow didn’t sound convincing. Running late for my much needed hot cup of tea, I rested my grudge for some other day, clutched my grungy backpack and shrugged off towards the platform. Conductor making a last minute check on the passenger list, I hear a kid murmur why is it so complicated to go to Grandpa’s house? Frazzled I ponder…


You can find the inspirer and the instigator here …


About Yatin

Amateur Scribbler. Equal opportunity scribbler on Stupidity and Sanity.
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35 Responses to Trip to Grandpa’s – 100 Word Flash Fiction

  1. Joe Lerner says:

    Good stream-of-consciousness stuff. Nice how you mine interesting words/ideas from the pic. Here’s mine:

  2. Hareem says:

    This was a reminder to me! Nicely written btw 🙂

    • Yatin says:

      Well I’d say visit as often as you can & as long as you can. None of mine are around (in spirits they are always with me). Taking my kid to his Grandpa is a trip of excitement for me too!

  3. Caerlynn Nash says:

    Interesting interpretation of the story. Good job!

  4. Very topical of you to write about security issues. Thanks for sharing!
    Here’s mine:

  5. Jake Kale says:

    I’ve heard tell about the trials and tribulations of train journeys, but have not experienced them first hand. I think he’s gonna need something stronger than tea! Nice offbeat entry, good work!

    Here’s mine. I cheated and used my own picture.

    • Yatin says:

      All my travel in US has been through Air or Road so far. Have been thinking to take train lately for short distance to avoid Airport hassle but have been hearing similar stories at trains too! I am sure he’ll go for something stronger once settled in a train 🙂

  6. eliserae says:

    I love train journeys! I had an eight hour one but I enjoyed it.

    But I totally can feel the grumpiness. 🙂 Well played!

    Here’s mine:

    Here For You

  7. The Lime says:

    Lovely job, thanks for sharing and commenting!

  8. susielindau says:

    Yatin – I love this story and the personality you gave it. I could feel your frustration.
    Your really made me smile and then laugh at your reference to me as the instigator! LOVE IT!
    Thanks so much for the shout out! I am so glad you have joined the group.

    • Yatin says:

      Isn’t how it all gets started? They make you try once, and next thing you know you are addicted! Wonder what I else I’ll get addicted on following your blog! 🙂
      Thanks for your thoughtful comments & drafting me into friday fun!

  9. Robin Hawke says:

    If we could all rest grudges…enjoyed the voice, Robin

  10. jakesprinter says:

    Great post Yatin you made it again 🙂

  11. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Yatin,

    Nice story with a very pertinent question at its conclusion. Well done.



  12. The Hook says:

    Great job! Trains are great launching points for wonderful fiction!

  13. I am planning to make a film titled “Who is afraid of Virginia (Woolf) Patel?”

  14. Madison Woods says:

    I liked this a lot, I think because of the mundane feel – this could be a blink from real life. Thanks for joining us and I hope to see you back next time!

  15. Very nice interpretation Yatin! Oh yes. We all have our priorities in life. And “tea” is at the top of my list too. The only difference is that I often have mine “iced.” It’s essential for survival here in Florida. Actually, a long train ride accompanied by a heaping cup of tea sounds like pure heaven to me. However, security is a good thing too. It’s just the waiting. I guess we need to just envision the conductor presenting us with a freshly made cup of tea while checking the passenger list. Pure bliss at its finest I must say. 🙂

    • Yatin says:

      Oh I like Ice too during hot summer days. However hot tea with a hint of spice is my all time favorite beverage. I would love to see conductor greeting us with a cup of tea! especially when Air lines are cutting down on refreshments.

  16. vandysnape says:

    Wow..Great story ! I’m still in awe at how you put it all so wonderfully with just 100 words..

  17. poor little guy! 🙂

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